"She was afraid to come out of the locker/She was afraid that somebody would see/Two three four tell the people what she wore/It was an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini/That she wore for the first time today"
It all started one year at cheerleading camp, when me and my fellow 8 year olds performed a choreographed routine to that oldie-but-goodie bikini ballad by Brian Hyland.
Since that day, I have held the yellow polka dot bikini up to the highest swimwear standard. Afterall, what other maillot de bain has its own ditty? You definitely won't hear any Billboard hits about pink striped tankinis or leopard print monokinis any time soon.
In bygone years I searched relentlessly (though often unsuccessfully) for yellow polka dot bikinis, but no longer. This season, yellow is hotter than the summer sun, so yellow polka dot swimwear is everywhere. Especially appropriate are the retro styling of may of these suits - Hyland himself would no doubt approve. Here are some of my favorites, some of which I already own.

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