Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fashioning a Cause

Found this on Yahoo news and thought it was really interesting:
New York, London, Paris, Milan--Mumbai.
Unborn female babies in rural India have found an unlikely champion: Indian mega-designer Abhisek Dutta.  A featured designer at India fashion week, Singapore fashion week and Asia fashion week, Dutta's meager 26 years have not stopped him from being a prolific designer and socially conscience.  At a recent show in Mumbai, Dutta built his runway show around stopping the tragic practice of female feticide in rural parts of India.  Although illegal, many families in rural India try to discover the sex of their unborn children early and if they discover they are having a girl--they try to abort the fetus.  According to the United Nations, an estimated 2,000 girls are illegally aborted everyday.  Families very much prefer having boy children because unlike girls boys are seen as potential breadwinners for impoverished families. 
Dutta's clothes are famous for being traditionally inspired but infused with modern energy and innovation and touched with Western styling.  For his 'Save the Girl Child' show, Dutta said his "structured, but fluid ensemble" in bright, rich colors like gold, red and orange stood for beauty and femininity, but also many of the traits that are often taken for granted in young women such as maturity and strength.  His show featured clothing that was heavily embellished and printed, but he also added a touch of Middle Eastern influence by showcasing a variety of ways to wear a headscarf.
To open the show, Dutta's very own toddler daughter walked the runway clutching the hand of a model.
See a snippet of the show and hear from Dutta here.
This is his personal site.

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