Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cuse Closet: Spring Break Fashion Part Deux

Cuse Closet peeks inside the staff's wardrobes to find out where we're going and how good we look getting there. 

Today's closet: Emily Montgomery

From the start, I had a hunch that this spring break would turn out to be amazing but it never crossed my mind that the weather would be so...well..."springy". The sweaters, tights and jeans I had made sure to pack were cast aside while my huge collection of sundresses and flats got the attention it deserved, seen here in my pose, on my first visit to Cambridge Mass.  When it's so beautiful outside I can't be bothered with layering, or doing anything, really. With a simple cotton shift, some patent leather skimmers and lychee mochi, I was more than happy to "park the car in Harvard yard."
- by Emily Montgomery

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