Maybe its because I prefer more classic designs. I'm more of a signature print design kind of gal- I like to keep it simple...like this Hamptons Optic Signature Carryall

Also, for the spring, they've come out with these straw bags. Yes, some can be cute and straw is the way to go when you're on a beach vacation, but I can imagine actually using one of these on a daily basis. Handbags are my guilty splurge and I don't mind spending a couple hundred on a nice, classic bag- but...STRAW? This Millie Hobo bag is ridiculously prices at $498. Again...STRAW???

I'm just patiently waiting for the next season's line, because this season isn't getting me excited.
I think that what Coach may be trying to do this season is to make designs that appeal to the earth-friendly market as well as the older styles that are coming back. Lots of designer are experimenting with bamboo, hemp, and recycled plastic bottles for fabrics. From the picture, it looks like Coach handled the straw material well, so maybe that's why the price is so high. But I see what you mean; it's hard to imagine "high quality straw." And as far as bringing back older styles in association with the horse and buggy design, the hourglass shape that was so hip during those days has come back! It has to do with how women feel about their curvy figures nowadays and how most clothes are currently taking on a traditional and sophisticated style.
Nice BLog..you have dona good job..keep posting ..
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