I think its appaelling how Grenfell is trashing Marshall in the media. Grenfell is promoting dieting on her website but everyone knows diets do not work. People gain the weight back after they are off the diet. Grenfell's platform is diet, fitness, style, and health. She has also written : 5 Days to a Flatter Stomach, Beat Your Body Chaos, Fabulous in a Fortnight, Get Back Into Your Jeans, Cellulite Buster, The Revenge Diet and Crash Diet. I think she is attacking Marshall to get more publicity and try to convince people to buy her books. The fashion industry is trying to get a variety of sizes so why not give Marshall a chance to prove she can handle the fashion world.
So true! If anything, I think that the people who would emit such close-minded and ignorant comments are the ones who are unhealthy!
She looks beautiful to me, masha'Allah. Like Bottecelli's "Venus". Media portrays an unrealistic image of women that I find dissatifying. I thought I was ugly my whole life until I travelled to Africa and the Middle East. Men and women who really had limited access to magazines and tv thought my sister and I gorgeous---my sister who kids picked on constantly in school. It gave her the confidence to be a strong and beautiful woman that she is today. This woman is a good example (though I am never a fan of woman posing in a bikini). And this same media calls Kate Winslet and Madonna fat... this is coming from a size zero girl by the way (I was told I was too curvy by some).
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