Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rag Report: InStyle Serves Up Spring

Rag Report dives under the covers of fashion publications to rant or rave about all the glossy goodness.

Now that it’s warming up, it’s time to snatch off those layers, brighten up and show off some of spring’s fabulous accessory trends. The April issue of InStyle gave us a preview of what we’ll see in the stores and on fashionistas everywhere.

Here's a sample from “The Top 9 Trends to Try Now” in InStyle’s Spring Accessories Trends of 2010.

Bright Wedges: This trend is great because wedges are a comfortable way to wear heels and show off that fresh pedicure all at once. Instyle says they look great with tailored shorts or cropped, straight-leg jeans — depending on how much leg you want to show. 

Boho Clutches: There isn’t much to say about these fabulous patterns and textures. Instyle tells us not to be afraid to pair these with print clothing as long as they share the same color palette.
Stacked Bangles: It would be a crime to overshadow gorgeous bangles like these. Adding any other statement jewelry would give off a Liberace vibe — and not in a good way. These could easily dress up a cardigan and jeans or add more flavor to a cocktail dress. Instyle says to stack three or four of these in varying textures and colors. 

Two-tone frames: We think sunglasses are a year-round accessory, but with these two-tone frames and colored lenses, we can almost hear Will Smith’s Summertime playing when they go on. Instyle says, find some that pair two neutral hues or bright hues of the same color palette. Two random, bright colors is way too much.
Layered Chains: This look is so glamorous that it would look great with a plain, white crew neck T. If you don’t want to go buy a layered chain, Instyle says to combine link necklaces of different lengths and colors to get an all-in-one effect.

- Rosalind Dean

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